Automotive Diagnostic tool support

Live remote assistance using the excellent teamviewer software allows us to log in and help diagnose issues on cars. Using the annotation tools we can also point out and explain the reasoning behind what we are going into. This also doubles up as a good training tool.
Remote training sessions are available for customers not purchased through DLD for £50+vat p/h.
Live support is available on Ford/Mazda Jaguar/Landrover IDS. Vauxhall/Saab Tech 2, Vauxhall/Saab MDI, Renault Clip and Autocom.
Remote training sessions are available for customers not purchased through DLD for £50+vat p/h.
Live support is available on Ford/Mazda Jaguar/Landrover IDS. Vauxhall/Saab Tech 2, Vauxhall/Saab MDI, Renault Clip and Autocom.
DLDTools page for Ford IDS, Mazda IDS, Ford/Mazda IDS, Jaguar IDS, Landrover IDS, JLR IDS, Jaguar/Landrover IDS, IDS updates, Jaguar software, Landrover software, Renault clip, Renault can sonde, renault alliance clip, Vauxhall Tech 2, Vauxhall Tech2, Vauxhall Tech-2, Opel Tech2, Opel Tech 2, Saab Tech 2, Saab Tech2, Rover T4, Rover Testbook, MG T4, Landrover T4, Omitec T4, Vetronix Tech2, Vetronix Bosch, Cryptowork, Vauxhall Tech3, Opel Tech3, Opel MDI, GM MDI, Bosch MDI, Autocom CDP, OEM software, Dealer level diagnostics, X431, X-431, X 431, X431 Master, Launch X431, Launch Diagun, Acer Laptop, Diagnostic laptop and training.